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“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20


Sunday Worship

Morning Worship, 9:30am

Evening Worship, 5:00pm*

*No evening worship on the 3rd Sunday each month.

Providence Church
1510 Madison St.
Madison, WI 53711

Corporate worship is our primary meeting where we come together and worship God as his people.

Our worship prioritizes the preaching of God’s Word, singing praises to His name, receiving the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, and prayer. Occasionally, we also have the opportunity to witness a baptism or receive new members into our congregation.

Visitors of all backgrounds are always welcome, and all ages are welcome to participate in our services.

You might have more questions. We’d love to help! For more information about our worship practices, please visit our FAQ page.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Lord’s Supper is way that God strengthen’s our faith and our commitment to walk in godliness. It’s what we call a “covenant renewal” - where our Lord renews for us his commitment to us (and we receive by faith), and we in turn renew our commitment to him. There is no command in Scripture to observe this weekly but we see that it is one of the ways God regularly strengthens our faith by tangibly showing us that in Jesus he freely gave himself to us for our salvation. We need our faith strengthened always and so we see this is best received every week we can.

  • The Lord’s Supper is for those who belong to Jesus Christ. If you can say “yes” to all of the following, then we welcome you to partake of the Lord’s Supper.

    • You have received Christ and are resting upon him alone for salvation, as he is offered to you in the gospel

    • You have publicly professed your faith in Jesus Christ before the church

    • You have been baptized

    • You are a communicant* member in a church that professes the gospel of God’s free grace in Jesus Christ

    The last item may bring up questions for you. A communicant member is someone who is an official member of a local church and under the care and oversight of the elders of that church. There are some churches that believe Christ alone is not sufficient for salvation, for example, the Roman Catholic Church.

    If you are uncertain if you meet these qualifications, the pastor or elders would be glad to answer any questions you might have about them.

  • Worship is a meeting between God and his people and we are called to worship with reverence and awe (Hebrews 12:28). You will find people wearing suits and wearing casual clothing in our services. Dress in such a way that you see will bring honor to God and honor those around you.

  • We have a nursery for ages 0-3, a nursing room for mothers, and an upstairs balcony area that offers a space for parents to use.

    We welcome and encourage children in the service, as equal members of Christ’s Church. God gave children beautiful energy that sometimes causes them to become a little restless and make noise. THAT’S OKAY! We believe they belong right there, in the service with the rest of God’s people. Children learn how to worship from watching others, and so we encourage families to sit towards the front where it is easier for little ones to see and hear what’s going on in the service, and encourage parents to sing, participate, as well as quietly explain the parts of the service to their young ones. If you have to leave, comfortable spaces are available throughout the church, but please come back! Children are a gift, not a distraction! And the sound of children in the church is the sound of Jesus keeping his promises. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”

  • We sing from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal which contains both the Psalter (the Psalms set to music) and hymns. Occasionally we will sing a contemporary song. The church singing is accompanied by a piano.


Sunday School

Sunday, 11:15am

We host Sunday School for all ages after Sunday morning worship, in the Fellowship Level. Sunday School begins at 11:15 and lasts until noon. During the school year, we have several youth classes and an adult class. In the summer, we meet in a large group setting for all ages.

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Sunday Worship

Sunday, 11:00am

Our Chinese members meet to worship God every Sunday (following the Providence Church service), joining their voices in praise and opening their hearts to receive God’s Word preached in their native language (Mandarin). Visitors of all ages are welcome. For more information on the Chinese Ministry and their relationship with Providence Church, see our About Providence page.