Join us!

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20


Sunday Worship

Morning Worship, 9:30am

Evening Worship, 5:00pm*

*No evening worship on the 3rd Sunday each month.

Providence Church
1510 Madison St.
Madison, WI 53711

Corporate worship is our primary meeting where we come together and worship God as his people.

Our worship prioritizes the preaching of God’s Word, singing praises to His name, receiving the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, and prayer. Occasionally, we also have the opportunity to witness a baptism or receive new members into our congregation.

Visitors of all backgrounds are always welcome, and all ages are welcome to participate in our services. For those with very small children, a nursery is available if needed.

You might have more questions. We’d love to help! For more information about our worship practices, please visit our FAQ page.


Sunday School

Sunday, 11:15am

We host Sunday School for all ages after Sunday morning worship, in the Fellowship Level. Sunday School begins at 11:15 and lasts until noon. During the school year, we have several youth classes and an adult class. In the summer, we meet in a large group setting for all ages.

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Sunday Worship

Sunday, 11:00am

Our Chinese members meet to worship God every Sunday (following the Providence Church service), joining their voices in praise and opening their hearts to receive God’s Word preached in their native language (Mandarin). Visitors of all ages are welcome. For more information on the Chinese Ministry and their relationship with Providence Church, see our About Providence page.

English Corner

Sunday, 1:30pm (September-May)

English Corner meets on Sunday afternoons during the school year at the church building. Hosted by members of our English and Chinese-speaking congregations, this group is geared toward helping international students learn and practice conversational English. To get involved as a volunteer or as a learner, reach out to Pastor Joseph Wan for more information.


Bible Study

Wednesday, 9:00am or 7:00pm

The women of of the church meet for Bible Study on the first and third Wednesdays of every month, September - April. A morning group meets at 9am, and an evening group at 7pm. Contact us to get involved in our study of God’s Word during the week!


Community Groups

Community groups are smaller meetings of Providence attendees across the greater Madison area where we meet regularly to get to know one another better, study the Bible, and pray for and encourage each other in a small group setting. Get in touch if you would like to get involved!


Women’s Prayer

Thursday, 8:00pm

The ladies of the church meet on Thursday evenings over Zoom for a 30-minute time of prayer. We lift up the local and global church, and pray for the needs of Providence, our church family, and our church leadership. You are welcome to join us, so please be in touch to find out more!


Monthly Men’s Breakfast

2nd Saturday of every month

The men of the church gather on the second Saturday of each month for breakfast at a local restaurant. The group enjoys fellowship with one another and the opportunity to strengthen relationships with old and new friends alike. Can’t make it every month? Join when you’re able. Contact us to get the details!